Committee recommendation
(This matter is
Subject to Bill 51)
That Council approve an amendment to Zoning
By‑law 2008-250 to change the zoning of 110 Iber Road from Light
Industrial, Urban Exception [1559] to Light Industrial, Urban Exception [xxxx],
as shown in Document 1 and as detailed in Document 3.
Recommandation du comité
(Cette question est assujettie au Règlement 51)
Que le Conseil
approuve le Règlement de zonage 2008-250 afin de faire passer le zonage du 110,
chemin Iber d’industrie légère, exception urbaine [1559] à industrie légère, exception urbaine[xxxx], tel qu’il est
indiqué dans le document 1 et expliqué en détail dans le document 3.
City Manager's report, Infrastructure
Services and Community Sustainability, dated 14 April 2011 (ACS2011-ICS-PGM-0094)
of Draft Planning Committee Minutes of 26 April 2011.
Report to/Rapport au :
de l'urbanisme
and Council / et au Conseil
14 April 2011 / le 14 avril 2011
Submitted by/Soumis par :
Nancy Schepers, Deputy City Manager/
Directrice municipale adjointe, Infrastructure Services
and Community Sustainability/Services d’infrastructure et Viabilité des collectivités
Person/Personne-ressource : Derrick Moodie, Acting Manager/Gestionnaire
intérimaire, Development Review-Suburban Services/Examen des projets
d'aménagement-Services suburbains, Planning and Growth Management/Urbanisme et Gestion
de la croissance
580-2424, 15134 Derrick.Moodie@ottawa.ca
That the Planning Committee recommend Council approve an amendment to
Zoning By‑law 2008-250 to change the zoning of 110 Iber Road from Light
Industrial, Urban Exception [1559] to Light Industrial, Urban Exception [xxxx],
as shown in Document 1 and as detailed in Document 3.
Que le Comité de l’urbanisme
recommande au Conseil municipal d’approuver le Règlement de zonage 2008-250
afin de faire passer le zonage du 110, chemin Iber d’industrie légère,
exception urbaine [1559] à industrie légère, exception
urbaine[xxxx], tel qu’il est indiqué dans le document 1 et expliqué en détail
dans le document 3.
The subject site is located at 110 Iber Road, within the Iber Road Business Park, also known as the Stittsville Business Park. The site is located on the west side of Iber Road, south of Hazeldean Road and north of Abbott Street, as shown in Document 1.
The site has an existing 5574 square metre industrial
building situated on the property with 125 surface parking spaces on the
south and west sides of the existing building.
Abutting the subject site to the east, north
and south are existing industrial buildings, and abutting the site to the west
is an established residential neighbourhood (Woodwind Crescent). The residential lots along Woodwind Crescent
back onto the subject site, and are buffered from it by a 25-metre wide vegetated
Existing Zoning
the subject site is zoned Light Industrial, Urban Exception 1559 (IL[1559]). The IL [1559] zone permits such uses as office,
warehouse, light industrial, heavy equipment and vehicle sales, rental and
servicing, while prohibiting the use of outdoor storage. Urban Exception 1559 permits take out restaurant
and recreational and athletic facility as two additional complementary uses.
Proposed Zoning
The purpose of this Zoning By-law Amendment application is to allow for ‘outdoor storage’ and an ‘accessory maintenance garage for the service and repair of stored vehicles and equipment’, as shown in Document 3.
applicant, the City of Ottawa’s Real Estate Partnerships and Development Office
(REPDO), wishes to acquire the existing building to consolidate a number of
operations (Forestry, Fleet and Parks) within the Public Works Department into
one facility. The permission of ‘outdoor
storage’ is for the purpose of limited storage of landscape materials aiding in
the Parks Branch’s operational component of the building shown on Document 2. The addition of ‘accessory maintenance garage’
is required as a complimentary use for the maintenance and repair of vehicles
and equipment within the existing building.
Both of the requested uses will aid and contribute to the principle use
of ‘warehouse’ which is currently a permitted use within the Zoning By-law as
it applies to the subject site.
Real Estate Partnerships and Development Office staff report requesting Transportation
Committee recommend Council approve the acquisition of 110 Iber Road was passed
by both Transportation Committee and Council on February 2, 2011 and February 9,
2011, respectively. The report can be
viewed at the link provided below:
Official Plan
The subject site is designated Employment Area within the Official Plan. Employment Areas are intended to provide land in the long term for places of business and economic activity. The uses that support this function consist predominantly of offices, manufacturing, warehousing, distribution, research and development facilities and utilities. Furthermore, Employment Areas typically provide large parcel sizes, reflective of user needs for storage, parking and floor area.
The Official Plan describes Employment Areas as being designated to enable a variety of functions, which include:
The uses within the Stittsville Business Park can be categorized as having a combination of prestigious uses as well as non-noxious light industrial uses, which have some level of sporadic noise and light pollution. As evidence of this, the IL[1559] zone, specific to the Stittsville Business Park, permits uses which have characteristics of infrequent noise and light pollution, such as: heavy equipment and vehicle sales, rental and servicing; light industrial; printing plant; service and repair shop; truck transport terminal; and warehouse. Similarly the zoning permits such prestigious uses as a broadcasting studio, medical facility, office, a production studio, and technology industries.
The Stittsville Business Park has implemented development standards such that negative impacts on adjacent non-industrial areas are minimized through the presence of an existing 25-metre wide vegetated berm that separates the industrial business uses from abutting residential uses.
The proposed addition of outdoor storage and accessory maintenance garage uses are consistent with the policies of the Employment Area designation of the Official Plan wherein a variety of industrial and employment-generating uses, such as those listed above, are permitted. Also, the proposed uses are consistent with the Light Industrial Zone, whereby these uses are ancillary to the permitted warehouse use and are not deemed noxious.
Noise Issues
Although there are to be expected infrequent and sporadic noise events derived from the future use of the subject site, the outdoor storage and accessory maintenance garage uses are not expected to negatively contribute to noise pollution above and beyond the level of those uses currently permitted in the Zoning By-law.
The proposed zoning changes are considered appropriate given the Official Plan’s direction for lands designated Employment Area and the stated direction within the Zoning By-law for lands zoned Light Industrial. Both additional uses are considered ancillary to the principle warehouse use and are not deemed to be obnoxious industrial uses associated with heavy industrial land uses.
Staff recommends Council approve an amendment
to the Zoning By-law to permit an accessory maintenance garage and allow for
outdoor storage.
Notice of this application was carried out in accordance with the City's Public Notification and Consultation Policy. This included notification through mail to property owners within a 120‑metre radius of the subject site. The City received eight comments from the public of which four expressed concern regarding noise impacts from the subject site.
A summary of public concerns, with staff responses, are contained in Document 4.
The Councillor has expressed his support for this Zoning By-law Amendment and the use of this facility by the City’s Public Works Departments to meet their operational needs. There remain concerns for noise generated from this facility, and as such the Councillor will be working with the Public Works Department to ensure hours of operation do not result in adverse noise impacts on adjacent residents.
If this rezoning application is appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board, it is anticipated that a one day hearing would result.
Should the recommendation be refused reasons will have to be provided. If an appeal of the refusal were to occur, an external planner would need to be retained at an estimated cost of $8,500.00.
The proposed amendment to add an accessory maintenance garage and permit outdoor storage at 110 Iber Road facilitates improved operational performances and the effective and efficient delivery of City services. Thus the subject zoning amendment proposal meets the intent of the City’s Strategic Plan.
If this rezoning application is appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board, it is anticipated that a one-day hearing would result.
Should the recommendation from staff be refused, reasons will have to be provided. If an appeal of the refusal were to occur, an external planner would need to be retained at an estimated cost of $8,500; funds would be available within Planning and Growth Management.
This application was processed by the "On Time Decision Date" established for the processing of Zoning By-law amendment applications.
Document 1 Location Map
Document 2 Concept Plan
Document 3 Details of Recommended Zoning
Document 4 Consultation Details
City Clerk and Solicitor Department, Legislative Services to notify the owner, applicant, OttawaScene.com, 174 Colonnade Road, Unit #33, Ottawa, ON K2E 7J5, Ghislain Lamarche, Program Manager, Assessment, Financial Services Branch (Mail Code: 26-76) of City Council’s decision.
Planning and Growth Management to prepare the implementing by-law, forward to Legal Services and undertake the statutory notification.
Legal Services to forward the implementing by-law to City Council.
Changes to the Comprehensive Zoning By-law
1. Rezone the property from IL[1559] to IL[xxxx]
2. Add a new exception, [xxxx], to Section 239 as follows:
a) transfer the existing provisions applicable to existing exception 1559 as follows:
add to column IV - Prohibited Uses
all uses in subsection 203(2) except:
- restaurant, take out
- recreational and athletic facility
b) add the following new provisions:
i) add to column III - Additional Land Uses Permitted:
- accessory maintenance garage used for the service and repair of stored vehicles and equipment
add to column V - Provisions:
- subsection 203(5) does not apply
- all service and repair of vehicles and equipment must be conducted indoors
Notification and public consultation was undertaken in accordance with the Public Notification and Public Consultation Policy approved by City Council for Zoning By-law amendments.
Through the public notification and consultation exercise four members of the public expressed concern about noise pollution and one member of the public expressed specific concern regarding outdoor storage. In total, eight members of the public commented on the subject Zoning By-law Amendment.
Of those persons who commented on the subject application, two members of the public wrote specific objection letters/e-mails regarding this Zoning By-law Amendment proposal on the basis of anticipated noise generated from this industrial facility.
The following is a summary of those questions and concerns members of the public raised through the notification and public consultation period.
Regarding the expected hours of operation for the future City facility at 110 Iber Road, the applicant has provided the following hours of operation:
Some equipment noise may result when vehicles are backed out of the maintenance garage after repair work is done. Furthermore, some noise will occur when the parking lot is cleared of snow, consistent with any tenant user of this particular facility or other facilities along Iber Road. There will not be constant noise, but any noise generated from this site will be infrequent and sporadic based on work requirements.
The facility at 110 Iber Road will be a dispatch location for both winter park maintenance services and parking lot clearing’ for City buildings. The equipment will be leaving from the indoor garage when snow events take place but will be rotating through the facility located at 1655 Maple Grove for salt loading and fuelling.
The dispatch of equipment can be expected to be at ‘off peak’ hours on occasion (as a result of when snow fall events occur and when park maintenance is required).
Fleet Services will be operating a ‘shift operation’ to provide vehicle maintenance for Public Works, Police Services and By-Law Services. If a winter response is underway and repairs are required, equipment will be delivered to the indoor shop for repairs. In terms of the number of mechanics expected at this facility, there will be approximately three to five mechanics on service duty during the evening (summer) and night (winter) shifts.
The outdoor storage is expected to consist of: landscape materials such as baseball diamond mix (infield material) and top soil. In addition, some equipment and trailers will be located in the rear parking lot. The outdoor storage requirement for soil is expected to be limited to containers and will be adjacent the rear facade of the building to minimize dust and debris from moving around the rear of the lot and to adjacent lots.
The outdoor storage of equipment will mainly consist of snow-plow equipment (including snow-plow vehicles). The snow-plow equipment will mainly be parked outside the repair bays waiting to be moved inside for maintenance.
No outdoor storage of propane tanks, salt, wood, sand or hazardous materials are either proposed or required at this location.
In terms of the service and repair function being requested, this will be an indoor activity, in keeping with other businesses within the Stittsville Business Park already existing, such as light industrial uses on adjacent lots.
This Zoning By-law Amendment proposal was mailed to property owners within a 120-metre radius of the subject site, as required by the Ontario Planning Act. This notification captured 58 properties, and included both residential and industrial properties. Furthermore, a sign was installed along the frontage of 110 Iber Road indicating the proposed Zoning Amendment and a City contact.
(This matter is
Subject to Bill 51)
Committee received the following written submissions and other
documents with respect to this matter, copies of which are held on file with
the City Clerk:
29- signature petition in
opposition to the proposed amendment.
E-mail dated 21 April 2011
from Bruce Benoit & Susan Neveu, in opposition.
Email with comments from
Phil Sweetnam, dated 25 April 2011.
Committee approved the report,
as presented, following a brief period of questions and answers.
That the Planning Committee recommend Council
approve an amendment to Zoning By law 2008-250 to change the zoning of 110 Iber
Road from Light Industrial, Urban Exception [1559] to Light Industrial, Urban
Exception [xxxx], as shown in Document 1 and as detailed in Document 3.
Moved by Councillor S. Qadri:
WHEREAS the City has extended
the offer to purchase 110 Iber Road to 28 April 2011.
AND WHEREAS it would be in the
City’s best interest to have Council’s decision before this date so it can
choose the appropriate course of action.
Committee request Council suspend the rules of procedure to consider this
report at its meeting of 27 April 2011.